The Noahic Covenant as a Religious Covenant of Grace Not a Common Covenant of Neutrality

Written by Aldo Leon on .

*Note: This is a part of a book that the author is writing on reformed theology and the issues with the R2K theology.

One of the key textual conversations that the R2K theology uses to promote their teachings is the Noahic chapters in the book of Genesis. They make a case for a non religious, neutral common/civil sphere due to their alleged claim that the Noahic covenant conveys this paradigm for the nations in general. The common realm is thus said to share common life in the supposedly neutral non religious Noahic covenant. Furthermore the R2K theology alleges that the Noahic covenant is not a part of the one administration of the covenant of grace but rather a common grace covenant. This is necessary for their claim that the world is not to be governed by distinctly Christian principles for distinct Christian ends. The logic is as follows. The Noahic covenant is with the whole world and is not particular to the church. The Noahic covenant is not religious nor part of the covenant of grace. Therefore the nations are religiously neutral and secularism is the Noahic paradigm. Therefore the Noahic covenant demands for believers and unbelievers to participate in public life in a manner that is not distinctly Christian.

Editor's Note:

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